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Title: Calculation of photocurrent in A1 and Be by using the free electron potential modhel for the crystal
Authors: Gurung, Shivraj
Keywords: ho tocm ission , p h o to em re n t, free e lectro n m odel p o te n tia l
Issue Date: Feb-2006
Abstract: We have used f.e c cMectmn model p ote ntia l in the ealeulation o f photoeurrent from metals lik e a lt.m im .im and b e .y llinm bv ..sing a -p.",;. I> depe.idem vesto. poleiit^^^ The .esults had been eompa.ed the one eale.dated by using the dieleetr.c model as p.oposed by nageh. and kai N.ii [I n \ \ IWV l > i n , ( | V / K ) |
Appears in Collections:Journal

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