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Title: MODE OF HUMAN INTERACTION AND ADJUSTMENT TO THE FOREST ENVIRONMENT: A Case Study in Dibru-Saikhowa National Park, Tinsukia, Assam
Authors: Deka, Ghanashyam
Issue Date: Feb-2012
Abstract: Man has continually and at an alarming rate, being changing the forms and his interaction with the environment. Man modifies nature and nature modifies man, yet it is the nature itself which determines when and how man shall be so active. In other words natural powers are in every instance dominant, the determinism is complete. Population of the earth is growing rapidly and with the technological and scientific revolution developmental activities have been accelerated to such an extent that in certain areas they have become threat to the environment. The present paper is an attempt to study some important aspects of man-environment. Dibru-Saikhowa is one of the famous National Parks, particularly for migratory birds, feral horses, wild buffalo, and white winged duck. The entire park is located in a low laying active flood plain zone located between the river Brahmaputra and river Dibru. Man-environment relationship concept of forest village and man’s impact and adjustment to the forest and its results are studied in this paper. The habitat area increases with the increase of population day by day, due to government’s transparent policy to delimit the habitat area and also fro the conservation of the park. The mode of interaction and adjustment of man to his environment is studied based on sample data and empirical observations.
Appears in Collections:Journal

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